Un dispositif d’élimination des déchets sanitaires offrant tellement de caractéristiques et d’avantages.

Nous estimons que notre « dispositif d’élimination des déchets sanitaires » offre une alternative attrayante pour les sociétés tout comme pour les particuliers. Ce dispositif sanitaire est simple à installer et offre un système unique, remplaçable et jetable de « couvercle et de cartouche de doublure ». Le dispositif est fabriqué d’additifs de plastique intégralement biodégradables, ce qui en fait le choix idéal pour respecter l’environnement.

Qu’est-ce qui fait du dispositif d’élimination des déchets sanitaires le meilleur choix commercial ?

  • Un système sûr et efficace à l’entretien,
  • un système offert par des concessionnaires dans le monde entier,
  • un système écosympathique et
  • un système au design attrayant et épuré.

Un système sûr et efficace à l’entretien

  • Notre design à contact minimal protège les clients tout comme les prestataires de services.
  • Il réduit l’exposition aux bactéries nocives, y compris aux pathogènes à diffusion hématogène.
  • Il offre un système unique, remplaçable et jetable de « couvercle et de cartouche de doublure » permettant un entretien sûr et efficace.

Un système offert par des concessionnaires dans le monde entier

Nous avons des concessionnaires en Amérique, en Asie, en Europe et dans tout le Pacifique ; notre système sanitaire est donc disponible aux quatre coins de la planète. Quelle que soit la nature de vos besoins en matière de solution d’élimination des déchets sanitaires, notre système unique peut vous aider.

Un système écosympathique

Notre système unique, remplaçable et jetable de « couvercle et de cartouche de doublure » intègre intelligemment des additifs biodégradables dans nos plastiques. Notre design compact réduit l’impact sur l’environnement du transport et notre accréditation empreinte carbone est la preuve de notre engagement envers l’environnement.

Un système présentant un design attrayant et épuré

Les qualités uniques de notre design comprennent : installation facile, nécessité minimale de contact, un système unique « de couvercle et de cartouche » jetable ainsi qu’une belle esthétique. Notre design épuré existe en une gamme de couleurs et de tailles ; étant donné que la taille des meubles diminue, notre dispositif peut tenir dans des meubles de toutes tailles.

Un système adaptable à vos besoins

Notre dispositif d’élimination des déchets sanitaires est proposé avec une gamme d’accessoires complémentaires pouvant être ajoutés en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques. Nous offrons des socles pour rendre le dispositif amovible et des pédales et des capteurs auto qui peuvent ouvrir le couvercle sans avoir à toucher le dispositif. La liste ne s’arrête pas là …

Prenez contact avec un concessionnaire

Commandez un dispositif pour chez vous !

Our retrofitable outer bases come in two sizes; regular and small.The capacity of each container varies depending on the size you choose. Ranging from a capacity of 6.5 to 13 litres of sanitary waste products. The bases are made using ABS plastics so are strong, durable, and recyclable. They are freighted in halves enabling us to reduce our carbon footprint.

Using sleek design principles
The sanitary unit has been designed to fit into the smallest of spaces. It has also been designed to offer a contemporary look, that integrates perfectly into the modern bathroom and commercial washroom.

Easy to assemble
The bases are made in halves and simply clip together for installation. They can be either wall mounted or freestanding to suit your installation.

Colour options
The bases come in white, black and silver/grey to suit your decor.



Our Disposable Cartridges consist of both a lid and an inner lining, as they are bonded together during the manufacturing process. They also utilise a revolutionary ‘additive’ technology, which renders the resulting plastic components as biodegradable. When the Cartridge is full or ready to be changed, you dispose of both the lid and the inner liner. This makes the process of cleaning and maintenance a lot faster and safer for the service provider.

Cartridge capacity
Our Large Cartridge has a 26 litre capacity, our Regular a 13 litre capacity and our Small a 6.5 litre capacity.

Colour options
Our Cartridges have been designed in two colours, black and white, allowing you to match the sanitary unit with the style of your washroom decor.

Disposable Cartridges


Our Base Plinths click into the bottom of our Small, Regular and Large Bases. Allowing the unit you choose to become a free-standing sanitary waste disposal unit. Light weight and yet designed to be well balanced and stylish. Giving you the option to provide a totally free-standing unit. The choice is entirely yours.

Colour options
Our Base Plinths have been designed in two colours, black and white, allowing you to match the sanitary disposal unit with your washroom decor.

Base Plinth


The TerraCyclic sanitary disposal unit offers the customer three options to dispose of their sanitary waste;

  1. a manual opening option,
  2. a hands-free, Foot-pedal option,
  3. a hands-free Auto Sensor option.

Color options
These Foot-pedals come in two colour options, black and white. They fit all of our 26, 13 and 6.5 litre Bases, so the Foot-pedal can be used to help achieve the solution that your customers are looking for. These Foot-pedals are supplied with a Base Plinth to form a ‘free-standing’ sanitary solution.



Our sanitary unit Auto Sensors have been designed to totally eliminate the need for skin contact. The Sensor is connected to the Cartridge Lid by the way of an Actuator Arm, that opens the Lid when you place your hand over the Sensor. The battery option provides a minimum of 12 months of operation. The Auto Sensor offers a state-of -the-art sanitary solution that works for even the most discerning of customers.

Colour options
Our Auto Sensors have been designed in two colours, black and white, allowing you to match the sanitary units Sensor with the colour option that suits your washroom decor.

Auto Sensor


Depending on the space available, you may choose to Wall-mount the sanitary unit to any wall, or door if necessary. Our systems have been designed to give you total flexibility. Wall-mounting is a fast and efficient process which enables the Unit to be safely off the floor and to become unobtrusive in even the smallest of washroom cubicles.

Colour options
Our Wall-mounts have been designed in two colours, black and white, allowing you to match the sanitary units mounting system with the colour option that suits your washroom decor.

Wall-mount option


Our retrofittable outer Bases come in three sizes; Large (26 litres), Regular (13 litres) and Small (6.5 litres). The Bases are made using ABS plastics so are strong, durable, and recyclable. They are freighted in halves enabling us to reduce our carbon footprint, by reducing our freight volume.

Using sleek design principles
The sanitary unit has been designed to fit into the smallest of spaces. It has also been designed to offer a contemporary look, that integrates perfectly into the modern bathroom and commercial washroom.

Easy to assemble
The Bases are made in halves and clip together for installation. They can be either wall mounted or free-standing to suit your installation.

Colour options
The Bases come in black and white, to suit your washroom decor.


Capacity of
26 litres
Capacity of
13 litres
Capacity of
6.5 litres